Discover our Team !
Where the Passion Begins

Giancarlo di Rovasenda
Hi ! My Name is Giancarlo di Rovasenda. I’m an Italian student currently studying In the delocalised Sciences Po campus of Reims in the Euro-African program. During the 2018-2019 academic year I will be in second year, having chosen as specialisation the Economy and Society’s major. Although I’m Italian and I was born in Italy, I passed most of my life in foreign countries, like Belgium and then South Africa.
These experiences abroad allowed me to deepen my interest for International relations and to widen my perspective over the world in which we live in, which encouraged me then to apply for an international relations institute like Sciences Po.
Before coming to Sciences Po, I was already very excited by the world of economics and entrepreneurship. That’s also why during High school I chose the ES specialisation (Economique et Social), which helped me to gather up my first knowledges on the economic system and the world of entrepreneurship. I personally am convinced that in the future our current roles in society, especially regarding the job market, will evolve drastically. While jobs focused on more physically intensive and repetitive tasks will progressively disappear in favor of machines, people will be asked to focus their capacities on more creative and independent tasks. This means that in order to sustain our future economic and human progress, we will need to encourage people to prospect their capacities towards a world in constant innovation and to help them conceive their ideas into concrete projects.
That also why I decided to participate In the Sciences Innovative Team where I currently assume the head of the communication department. I hope that this new initiative will allow us to achieve our main objective which is to encourage the development of an entrepreneurial spirit among the students of Sciences po.
The topics I would be the most eager and interested to spread thanks to the Science’s Po Innovate network are focused around Nano-robotics and the advancement of genetic research

Aya El Alami
Co-founder of Sciences Po innovate
My name is Aya El Alami and I am one of the two Sciences Po Innovate's co-presidents.
My interest in entrepreneurship and innovation was the result of numerous encounters. First the participation to extracurricular activities related to these topics and then a progressive awareness that both have a major role to play in our society. I have been involved in many different actions centered around innovation like being an intern for one year at "Germanwatch", a German international organization, observing, analysing and acting for global equity and the preservation of livelihoods. I was also in the International Climate Policy team, focusing on climate finance. I believe that Sciences Po Innovate is a platform that has the ability to gathers great minds and dedicated people who are passionate about different topics but who share the same core: innovation and entrepreneurship.
My experience in this domain was built through other actions such as:
“Clean Tech Innovation Challenge (CTIC)” - Mentor for innovators: program supported by the Bureau of Energy Resources (United States Department of State)
“Youth Leadership Camp”: An AIESSEC project in partnership with the SIST Sunderland University, to develop young people in soft skills leadership and entrepreneurship.
“Zayed Future Energy Prize” Project - Finance and solar energy Manager: International competition (budget: 100 000 $ US).

Co-founder of Science po Innovate
My name is Ingrid Ø. Ravnanger and I’m a 20 year old norwegian, and co-founder of Sciences Po Innovate. I have for several years been interested in innovation and especially social entrepreneurship. Previously, I’ve taken classes in marketing and management and assisted in creating new products for different markets. Furthermore, I have also participated in a norwegian entrepreneurship competition, and I strongly believe that knowledge about entrepreneurship and innovation is crucial for our social as well as financial development.
The idea of starting a student initiative became a reality when I met Aya El alami at a student meeting. As she was also passionate about entrepreneurship, we rapidly exchanged contact info and shortly after, we were suddenly sitting down at Bubble coffee and decided to create a new student association.
Today, we share the responsibility of a growing student initiative and we are working towards developing the initiative into a more influential association at Sciences Po. In the upcoming semester, we envision having more speakers, workshops and informational sessions at campus. Hopefully this will enable us as well as our fellow students to learn more about entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as to use our skills to create a difference.

My name is Madhav Mall, and I was born and raised in India. I'm a second-year student at Sciences Po, currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Politics and Government, and have a keen interest in marketing and International Trade. Studying in France has led me to challenge myself because of the language barrier and enhance my communication skills. This has also inspired me to work in a field that enables me to travel and help better myself with every step.
At Sciences Po Innovate, I work with Jennifer Ferenja in managing and coordinating events. This association is an extremely motivating one to work for, as you never see a paucity of ideas. I am interested in how technological innovations coupled with sophisticated management of human resources can help organize a lot of industries (such as food-stalls), and also maintain a quality control on them.

Gabrielle de Gorguette d'Argoeuves
Head of Communication
Hi ! My name is Gabrielle d’Argoeuves, I am 19 years old and I am from Paris. I am a second-year student in Sciences Po Paris, campus of Reims, where I chose the Economy and Society’s major. I joined Sciences Po Innovate at the beginning of 2018 because this experience is for me the perfect transition between my studies and my projects for the future - which are the creation of my own company. I am also really passionate about the rising technologies, their impact and the connections of technology to society but also to innovation. I am currently Head of the Communication and if you want to know more about Sciences Po Innovate, if you want to join us or just to have more information about us do not hesitate to contact me!

Social medias
Hey !
My name is Marian Gobeaux, I’m a 18 years old french coming from Lille and I am in the Communication Pole where I’ll be in charge of the social media.
I have to say that I am a strong supporter of innovation in all its shape. I simply like the idea that people decide to act in a concrete way to bring solutions to problems. Such a view can seem naïve at first glance knowing that the biggest challenge for a startup is to survive its first year of existence but I am still enthusiastic about the willingness of entrepreneurs in its largest meaning. Concerning my personal background in the domain of innovation I had the opportunity to work for a theatre with a permanent troup composed mentally handicapped professional comedians and even though this idea was not particularly new since the company is now celebrating its 40th year of existence it is still to my eyes a radically innovative way to deal with handicap and the image it has in our societies.
Therefore if there is a thing that I’d like to share through Sciences Po Innovate is that entrepreneurship takes multiple forms from social to environmental without forgetting the fields of education or policy making.

external and inter-association communication
My name is João Victor Black and I am a 2nd year student at the Dual B.A. Program Between Columbia University and Sciences Po Paris, where I am majoring in Economics. I am currently 20 years old. Originally from Recife, Brazil, I spent my adolescence in the United States before moving to France for college in August 2017.
My motivation to participate in this group is my belief in the rewards behind investing in innovative ideas. Through innovation, individuals and companies are rewarded as leaders by consumers and peers for taking risks, closing gaps and identifying the newest opportunities.
An innovative field that I am interested in is fintech. I plan on pursuing a career in finance, and I believe that financial technology has a huge potential to turn this traditional industry upside down and increase access to a larger public, which would not only create incredible opportunities for those in this pioneer field, but could better society as a whole.

Julie Dumont
Hi! I’m Julie, I am 19 years old and I come from Arras in the North of France. I am joining Sciences Po Innovate this year as a second year in the Euro-American program and will be part of the planning of events and conferences on campus.
Joining the association this year is a way to get to know and understand better the stakes when it comes to entrepreneurship not only from the courses and classes but also from the people who literally make it every day. Being very curious and ready to understand and learn more about this field and somehow demystify it and make it more accessible really is one of my main goals.
I really do think that understanding entrepreurship and make it a reachable and normal professional project and future for students also is one of the objectives of Sciences Po Innovate.
Trying to break self-made barriers by students with the help of amazing lecturers and professionals is the best way to create ambition and make people more prone to discover and learn.
As a member of the events team, I really am looking forward to conveying this objective into real interventions and meetings between passionate professionals who have been there before and the student body.
The diversity of the field of these professional also is key in my mind to the opening and discovery of many professional paths and stories.
If you are curious, motivated or just want to know more about one field in particular or about entrepreneurship in general you should definitely reach out to Sciences Po Innovate.

Octavie Camus
head of events and sponsorships
My name is Octavie Camus, I am 20 years old and I come from France. I have always lived there, even though I have done an exchange in the United States for a year and I am used to travel!
I joined SciencesPo Innovate in the spring semester of 2018, where it first began to exist! As soon as I heard about it I thought that having a platform on campus was lacking! Something in my mind also came: we needed to make it accessible to everyone and lively. As a consequence, I enrolled in the Workshop pole and Competition pole. Workshops will start this semester and will be accessible to anyone. Competitions will be for those who want to be a part of a broader project, and challenge themselves through concrete situation of entrepreneurship.
What I appreciate in this project is the flexibility we have in such a brand-new association, the ability to work with other association on campus and foster such spirit (during the Innovation Week for instance). We have already organized two events, both interesting with professionals. What I particularly enjoyed was to see the growing interest around our approach!
Personally, I am interested in technologies, sciences, the power of data and statistics. These personal interests fit into innovation and entrepreneurship (even though it is immensely broader). Therefore, I am closely following scientific researches and discoveries. Many of them are fascinating me, but what made think about it the most was IBM’s Watson. As an AI informatics program, it was first used to play and win at the TV “Jeopardy” game. However, it is now thought to replace doctors or lawyers by compiling an enormous amount of information and a use of statistics.
Martin Quick
Hi I am a second-year student at Sciences Po and have been a member of Sciences Po Innovate since its founding last year. I was drawn towards the initiative because of its ambition to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation in a time where robotics, Artificial Intelligence and digital companies are reshaping how we communicate, work and even think.
My principal interest is therefore the pedagogical aspect of the association, which is to familiarise people with the new opportunities entailed by technological progress. I was able to gain first hand experience of this when managing a news website which sought to give young people interested in current affairs a chance to express their opinions and debate amongst each other. Thanks to a mere website, teenagers from the US to Australia were able to discuss politics, economics and culture without having to pay for a very expensive plane ticket.
I am working for the association’s “Workshop” branch and am eager to get more people to know about innovation through a practical lens with our events.

Ines de Vulpian
Hello my name is Ines de Vulpian, I am originally from Paris but have over time lived in three different countries: Canada, Italy and Belgium. I joined Sciencespo Innovate last year, with the ambition to spread my interest and curiosity for startups and innovation. In the past my internships and the experience of Mini enterprise fostered my knowledge of commerce. Indeed, when I was in high school with a group of friends we created a business called Coverz, which produced blankets made of recyclable bottles. This year at Sciencespo Innovate I am both the treasurer and the Instagram coordinator. Hope to meet you soon,

My Name is Deniz Özdemir, was born and raised in Austria, and I am currently in my 2nd year at Sciences Po Paris Campus of Reims, with chosen major in Economics. Before that, I was educated in Computer Sciences and Electronics, specialized in the field of Artificial Intelligence, and worked as a Software Engineer for Industrial Automation in Switzerland.
In the SciencesPo Innovative Team I assume the role in the Workshop-Department.
What pushes me to participate? To be plain, my conviction that we can and should change the world with the innovations and visions of our generation, so that we leave our planet in a better condition than we found it in when we entered.
The topics I specialize in are Artificial Intelligence (Cloud Robotics and Deep Learning in particular), Renewable Energies, Political Economics, Behavioural Economics and Sociology of Markets.

Jennifer Ferengja
My name is Jennifer Ferengja and I am a second year EURAM student.
I was born and raised in Madagascar, by a Malagasy mother and a Slovenian father.
My life has been a succession of surprising combinations and even paradoxes. I grew up on an Island where red lights are still not working properly, and lived in an emirate which saw rising the tallest building ever constructed by humankind.
I thus witnessed two worlds, one in which innovative projects were surpassing our wildest dreams , and another where the dreams of innovative projects are censured by a corrupted government.
I decided to be part of this adventure as a simple curious individual, wishing to learn and be amazed. I have no particular experience in this field, being a more « humanities »-inclined student. But I believe that innovation and entrepreneurship are not reserved to a certain category of people. On the contrary the more eclectic the group will be, the more creative and ambitious our projects will become.
So if you are curious, ambitious and imaginative , this is the perfect opportunity for you to challenge your mind and also escape a little the political sphere of the school ;)
Get to know the team in person! Call us today.